Bone Regeneration

Bone loss around teeth can occur due to periodontal disease, trauma, or prolonged tooth loss. Adding or regenerating bone can restore the existing jaw and provide the necessary bone for dental implants.

The jawbone which surrounds and holds on to teeth will shrink in shape and size after a tooth is removed due to the body’s natural healing process. Periodontal disease, trauma, or going without a tooth for many years can accelerate this bone loss. When bone loss has occurred, it rarely grows back by itself, and creates problems when trying to restore a natural smile.


Periodontists are specialists in the complex procedure of regenerating all of the structures that directly support teeth. This includes the bone, gum, and ligament that are unique to teeth. In addition, periodontists have special training in order to rebuild bone in larger areas that may require dental implants to replace missing teeth.


Various materials are required to predictably rebuild bone. The gold-standard is sourced from an FDA approved tissue bank which is ethically procured, and thoroughly tested to ensure a convenient, safe, and proven solution for patients.

Bone Grafting